More than 25 years of Geophysical Experience
2D/3D Seismic Interpretation
Extensive experience throughout western Canada
Foothills, Mississippian and Manville Thrust
Devonian targets in northern AB
Montney in AB and BC
Manville throughout AB and Saskatchewan, including SAGD
Bakken in ND and Sask.
SeisWare workstation
Can provide maps for reserve reporting
Property Acquisition and Divestiture
Property evaluations
Attend data room for vetting opportunities, identify upside
Create marketing package
Setup data room
Geophysical Acquisition, Design and Management
Extensive 3D acquisition experience
Play specific 3d design
Provide accurate cost estimates
Have contacts to ensure quality results
Oversee Processing
QC statics and parameters
Ensure data is processed for target
Work with some of the best processors in town!
Synthetic Modeling
Necessary to understand play
Proprietary software
Attribute Analysis
Excellent tool to let the data show the play
Success application in clastic and carbonate environments
Prospect Generation
Work with team to develop new areas
Add new plays in current areas
Data Management
Critical and often ignored
Millions of dollars of data needs to be properly archived
Maximize value by marketing the data